Red Thread with the Ancestors
/As we progress deeper into Fall in the Northern Hemisphere, we are entering a time where the veil between the worlds is thin. What worlds, you may ask? It's the metaphoric veil between the seen and unseen, the known and unknown, those who walk earth-side and those who walk spirit-side. It's why we see holidays during this time like: All Saints Day, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced "sow-een"), Dia de los Muertos, even Halloween.
In the Violet household, we like to use this time as an invitation to create stillness, set intention and open to connection to those things that have felt beyond our reach. It can be so nice to step away from the hustle and bustle! And then? We just take time to be and see what unfolds.
While the veil is thin, like in many other cultures and spiritual traditions, we enjoy spending time honoring the ancestors and those who have come before. Tugging on the red thread that joins us to those whose shoulders on which we rest. We all have the opportunity to pull on the thread of our heritage at this time. Want to say yes to the invitation, too?
We wanted to gift you with a ritual “recipe” this season. Enjoy!
Oh, and want to share your sacred space with us? Post it on Instagram with #ybredthreadwiththeancestors.
pictures/mementos/favorite things of your loved ones
slips of paper and pencil
song of celebration (don’t feel like celebrating? choose a song that calls to you.)
candle(s) and matches/lighter
any other items that call to you - for example: stones, shells, flowers, plants, fabric
Optional: sage, essential oil spray, rattle, drum, salt
Setting the Space
Set intention to create and enter a safe and sacred place for the duration of the ritual. Do whatever is needed to support that intention.
Decide if you want to honor one ancestor in particular, a group of them or your ancestors as a whole.
Dedicate a window of time that will be just about your ritual. Decide if you want to practice your ritual solo, or if you would like to invite others to join you.
Prepare the space by cleaning and clearing it to make it a neutral container. I love to burn a pinch of sage, using a lavender spray or shaking a rattle. Don't have any of these? No worries! Our bodies are like drums and we can clap, tap and drum our bodies in the space.
Imagine you are inviting the ancestors over for tea. How would you prep the space and welcome them?
Create the Ritual
Allow each part of the ritual to take whatever time it takes. Take your time, savor and listen.
Once all your items have been gathered, take time to be present and breathe with each one.
Place them in your cleared sacred space in the way that feels best to you. Once you have placed all the items, light your candle.
Take time to be in the sacred space you have created. Notice how it makes you feel, riding any waves of emotions, memories or images as they arise.
When you are ready, gather your slips of paper and write words of gratitude, favorite memories, blessings, etc and then fold, tuck or place them in the sacred space. If it feels right, speak them aloud.
When you are ready, play the song of celebration and take time to honor and celebrate life and the light of your ancestors that now lives in you. Sing a song, dance, tell a story or anything that shines your light of love to them.
When you are complete, come to a place of stillness, place your hands over your heart, breathe and offer any gratitude that feels present.
Tending the Space
It can be nice to keep the sacred space up for several days. Spend time with it daily, add offerings, light candles, sing songs, etc.
Once you are complete with the process, take down your space with the same intention you used when you set it up. Clean and clear each item you used and then the space which held your sacred container.
Your slips of paper - listen in and decide what’s best to do with them. Keep? Recycle? Burn? Bury? Place them in a photo book? Trust what comes to you.
We would love to know your experience with The Red Thread with the Ancestors Ritual. Comment below or post your sacred space online with #ybredthreadwiththeancestors so we can find you.
Many blessings, beauties!