We have majorly lucked out this year! The last full moon of 2018 falls on the Winter Solstice. On the darkest and longest night of the year, we will have the bright light of the full Snow Moon, as named by the Cherokee. So, as you know, we don’t get snow in San Diego, but we are not letting that stop us from calling in the Snow Moon! Sarah is a HUGE fan of snow, so please, humor us, and come celebrate with us!
In the dark night, we have an opportunity to pause, reflect, give thanks, bathe in the magic of what’s possible when things start anew, and take time to just be. For those of us who love winter, it’s the beginning of a time where we can rest in the fertile void. For those of us who can’t wait for the return of warmer weather, fear not. Many call the Winter Solstice the first day of summer because from this day on, we begin to gain light until it reaches its apex in June.
We would love to honor this unique moment of the year with you. Because this night is so special, we haven’t decided on our location yet. Part of it will depend on how many we are expecting so feel free to save your spot in circle now.
We will keep the light on for you.