New Moon Circles are back! Join Sarah for a circle in the cosmos (online) to honor this tender time of renewal and powerful time of reset. With the New Moon in Libra, we have the opportunity to explore how this leader can inspire beauty, balance, and community with the intentions we set this New Moon.
The moon is completely dark by 8:47 PM PDT and we will be ending our call right before then. You can enter a new cycle after joining hands in a cosmic community.
Want to make your cosmic circle time extra special? Create a New Moon Nook! Get your hygge on with making it cozy, grab a cup of tea, your journal, favorite pen and 3 objects calling your attention. If you have a divination/oracle deck, keep that on hand as well.
By registering below and sending in payment, you will receive an email link for our secure spot in the cosmos - aka, our video call.
I look forward to being in circle with you!